Safety Culture, Leadership and Managing for Safety
Safety culture as a concept has been developed and grown through the years. This is also true for how we look at organizations and how risk and safety is managed. We continue to see degradation of the level of safety performance and events where deficiencies in the proactive measures for and monitoring of safety work and cultural issues play an important role. emerging as a key issue is also leadership. Where we are today with an industry growing with many new build projects in progress and planned for this area is more important than ever.
There is still much to be done in order to both support licensees in the work in this area as well as getting effective oversight programs in place in the regulatory bodies. Focus should also be on the ‘new arena’ of new build in nuclear countries as well as in embarking countries. The relationships between safety management and safety culture, the importance and impact of leadership, and assessment methods need to be explored further.
This topic has close links with other topics and especially organizational capability.
Some reference documents are:
- SSM Report (2010), "Indicators of safety culture - selection and utilization of leading safety performance indicators", Reiman, T. & Pietikäinen, E.
- SSM Reprt (2009), "Evaluating safety-critical organizations - emphasis on the nuclear industry" (2009:12), Reiman, T. & Oedewald, P.
- TOP on Safety Culture
- Proceedings of the 2011 workshop held in Chester on Safety Culture
- Proceedings of the 2007 workshop held in Chester on Safety Culture
- Proceedings of the 2002 workshop held in Paris on Safety Management
Examples of issues included in this Topic Area are:
- organizational culture and safety culture models
- safety culture assessment methods
- improvement programs on safety culture
- leadership models
- coaching, positive reinforcing and emotional intelligence
- relationsship between leadership and culture
- integrated management systems, models
- development and implementation of management systems
- relationsship between safety culture adn mangement systems
- oversight of safety culture and leadership
- oversight of management systems
- etc. |